Psychology of Wealth Roundup

The psychology of wealth accumulation is one of our key research areas here at DataPoints. Our research efforts began with a deep analysis of the findings from The Millionaire Next Door. This book demonstrated the habits and lifestyle of those who accumulate wealth on their own, and the key behaviors that allow individuals to transform income into wealth were confirmed in The Next Millionaire Next Door. This body of research, as well as research from other …
The phenomenon of the “sunk-cost” bias or fallacy is often discussed in the context of investing behaviors to refer to a mindset where we hang on to a perpetually under-performing investment as a result of our attachment to and focus upon the amount we paid for it. Our brain instinctively focuses not on the stock’s objective performance over time, but instead anchors the perception of value around the amount originally paid for the investment. …
Have you ever dismissed a concept because it sounds too “soft,” that it won’t help or be applicable to your practice, life, or clients? One of those concepts that has suffered from a branding problem in the financial world is mindfulness. However, with the increased focus on holistic financial planning, it’s gaining some ground a an increased reputation as a way to help achieve financial success. Let’s consider it in light of spending. News-flash: Excessive spending …

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