Money Lesson Plan for 2015

Will you be teaching children or students what it takes to build wealth this year? What will you teach them or encourage them to do? Think back to your time growing up. You probably can point to an event or a set of experiences that greatly influenced how you manage finances today. Recollections such as these were discussed extensively in the The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind. Successful, financially independent Americans recounted childhood or early work …
The focus of Data Points’ research is typically on how one’s behaviors and experiences lead to wealth building potential. Effective wealth accumulators exhibit high levels of competencies shown to predict net worth, including the competency of frugality. Less money spent equals more money saved—thus a greater “profit” or “bottom-line” result at the end of each month, year, etc. But our research supports the conclusion that high-wealth-potential individuals also focus intently on investing the money that …
How does your organization segment its clients? Most often they are segmented by amount of investable assets, net worth levels, and perhaps age, income, and/or risk tolerance levels. What’s missing? A guide to their competencies for building wealth. As long as I can remember, my father has given big, gold-wrapped boxes of chocolates for thank you/end of year presents to his business associates. When I was growing up, as a treat, he would often buy …

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