Segmenting Affluent Groups: Differences Matter

How does your organization segment its clients? Most often they are segmented by amount of investable assets, net worth levels, and perhaps age, income, and/or risk tolerance levels. What’s missing? A guide to their competencies for building wealth. As long as I can remember, my father has given big, gold-wrapped boxes of chocolates for thank you/end of year presents to his business associates. When I was growing up, as a treat, he would often buy …
A data point is a measurement or set of measurements of a single member of a particular population. For the financial services industry, client data typically include age, income, net worth, investable assets, risk tolerance, attitudes, and perhaps big data (with or without theory). This information is traditionally used to describe wealth groups (e.g., mass affluent, ultra high net worth) and determine relevant products and services. What’s missing? The scientific measurement of relevant wealth-building behaviors and life experiences …

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